Monday, March 5, 2012

Email Letter - March 5, 2012

Hey everyone. This week was tough, probably the hardest so far. Even the earth itself seems like it wants us to fail. The wind has been awful and it's always at our head, adding on average about 10 minutes of travel time to any given destination, then when we get there people are too busy to keep appointments. In order to keep our spirits up we've been telling jokes, but we've both run out of jokes. Anybody have any good ones?
As for the work, every single appointment dropped or fell through. Enough said. I really don't have much to talk about today guys. This week was long and hard and I'd rather not look like a whiner and complain about it all. Just know I feel your prayers. we're setting some personal and companionship goals to help not have another week like this and we feel like it'll never happen again.
Love you all, take good care.

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