Monday, March 19, 2012

Email Letter - March 19, 2012

Hey there everybody! This week was a good week. It rained a whole lot which made me happy. I started riding my bike really really fast through the puddles like I did when I was younger and it was so exciting!
In other news, we have transfers next week, on the 27th and things are looking like Elder Vergara will be leaving. And the big joke is that Elder Roley my mtc comp that lives in the same apartment and myself with be training, and we're going to train two that were comps in the mtc as well. But you never know, it could happen. Probably won't though. Mostly I'm just excited for some change. It'll be good to have a new comp and get the work going again.
Things are going well with our current 'gators. Just doing our thing and helping them progress towards baptism and the such. We're always looking to add to the teaching pool too though. We knocked about 200 doors this week. We had a pretty good ratio of people inviting us back too! 1! That's one more door than the last 200 doors so we're pretty excited for that as well. Things are looking good!
Again another short letter. Things were pretty monotonous this week so there isn't anything very exciting to say. But take care, I love you all!

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