Monday, February 6, 2012

Email Letter - February 6, 2012

Hey everyone. It was another one of those longer weeks this week. It's been frustrating. I think when people tell us a time to come back they intentionally tell us a time that they won't be home. It's been super annoying. So I don't have much to talk about because I'd rather not vent about all of that stuff.

Aside from all of that things are going really well! Elder Vergara and I are working well together and we've developed a few different ideas to help get the members involved in missionary work. That seems to be the one thing members won't do for us, is give us referrals. We're working closely with the ward missionaries now too which will be good. As part of us trying to get the members more involved we feel that extending the commitments will hold a bit more of an effect when they're extended from an adult they know and trust and not some punk kid missionaries like me and Vergara. It seems to be a good idea.

Well that's where we're at right now, there isn't too much else to say. I love you all, take care.

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