Monday, December 17, 2012

Email Letter - December 17, 2012

Hey there everyone! this week went well, things are still pretty slow but they're going good none the less.

This week we did something fun, we helped a sister in the ward, tag her sheep! So basically we wrestled sheep and pierced their ears and stuff. It was pretty fun. Sheep are so stupid. It's no wonder the Lord compares us to sheep. They literally need a shepherd and a guide in everything that they do. It was pretty cool though to see some of the correlations between the sheep/shepherd relationship and how ours should be with Christ. They immediately went to the sister when she called, she was easily able to sort out the ones that needed shots and those that didn't, and a number of other things. as I said, really cool.
We also had a few pretty good lessons with the people that didn't cancel. And we're really focusing on getting the people we're teaching now to have a baptismal date, and focusing even more on finding those people that are ready. It's tough because the town is so small it has been canvassed over and over again, so we're trying really hard to focus on member work and referral work. We're also planning on getting some service hours in at the food pantry and the senior center, kind of like we did in Weaverville. We think that will help us out too.
Well I'm looking forward to the call next week, I sure love and miss you guys. Take care and I'll talk to you again soon!

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