Monday, January 23, 2012

Email Letter - January 23, 2012

This week was exceptionally long. I attribute it to the lack of sunshine. It's been raining almost non-stop since Thursday. There was a break Thursday but that was not enough. Welcome Winter! But not really, rain and missionary work don't go together very well.

The rain has slowed the work too. The people are depressed, they still don't like missionaries, and Elder Vergara doesn't like the rain either. It's been a struggle the last few days. We do have a baptism this week though! Our friend Elyssa, she's 12, and great. Her mom decided she wanted to make all of the children wait to be baptized until she thought they were old enough to really know and decide for themselves. That's not the Lord's way, but whatever, she's chosen to be baptized and it's happening. Which is great! Plus, we get fed really well whenever we go over to teach them. Her dad went to Japan on his mission and always makes us some food he learned how to make over there, and it's typically pretty good. Nice people.

I'm also going to the temple in the next couple of weeks. I'm super excited for that, I miss the temple. That's going to be a highlight for sure. It'll be great.

That's it for this week, there's not a lot to report this week. I love you all, take care!

---Elder King
3rd Nephi 5:13

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