Monday, January 16, 2012

Email Letter - January 16, 2012

Hey everyone. Things went well this week. That's usually how it goes though.

The work in this area is tough! The people are a lot less receptive than those in Yuba City, probably because of the higher amount of wealth here. Sadly that's how it goes sometimes.

Despite that though, the work is picking up really quickly. We should have a few new people to teach starting this week, we've been working really hard and there have been a couple of people invite us back.

A fun story behind one of which: we were out tracting, probably at the worst time to tract the entire week, the last minutes of the 49ers game. As I'm sure many of you know, it was a very tight game and people weren't very interested in talking to the best looking, hardest working and humblest missionaries around. As we're going though I was getting really sick of people telling us to buzz off in no uncertain terms, so this door we knocked, I saw the game was on, and in stead of the usual pitch I spit out "We just want to know what the score is". So the guy let us in! We watched the last minute's worth of game, told him who we were and what we were doing, he said come back, and so we will! Pretty great right?

Good to know that even when I'm more interested in the score than salvation, the Lord can still use me to bring salvation. Mostly I like to think I'm a pretty adaptable tool in His hands.

Anyway, that's all for this week. I love you all, you're great, I validate you, etc. Take care!

---Elder King
3rd Nephi 5:13

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