Monday, January 9, 2012

Email Letter - January 9, 2012

Comin' at ya from Roseville! Things here area going really well, I've had a good first week here and expect to enjoy the rest of them as well. The first week in each area is particularly tough though, so I'm looking forward to this week even more than last. It's just tough to get around not knowing the area and the little things like that. One of the things I like in Roseville though is the high amount of bike trails and that almost every road has a bike lane, unlike Yuba which had hardly any. It's nice being here. I can't wait until things turn green though, Roseville has a city ordinance or law or something that ensures that a certain percentage of land stays undeveloped. So there are a lot of fields and parks and wildlife which is a lot of fun, I hope I get to stay until summertime to see all of that even more so.

My new comp Elder Vergara and I get along really well too which is great. He is a hard worker which makes me happy; we've both enjoyed working together, at least for this week. It seems that the other elders in our apartment really sabotaged the relationship with his last companion and that's not cool. We're going to keep that from happening though, because that kills the work. There hasn't been work in this area for a long time sadly. I think President has put me here to revive the area like I did in Yuba, which is tough but possible. We're going to be working hard so the Lord will bless us in our efforts. I'm not worried.

Something fun that happened this week to Elder Vergara and myself was when we were tracting, we ran into a catholic priest, father Martin. He first let us in because he thought we were the bishop of his parish St. Lucif... Clares. He's a fun guy; we talked a lot about the similarities and differences of our churches. Of course he disputed our authority saying that it didn't come from Peter, which was funny because our authority comes from Christ, which is something they don't claim. He also disputed our mode of baptism, which is funny because we baptize how Christ was baptized, which is something they don't do. There was a lot talked about, he accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon, and we're going back this week when we finish tracting his street.

The thing I'm most excited for is the temple. I get to go as soon as I find someone to take me and another missionary that can go, Elder Vergara isn't eligible time wise because he went a few weeks ago. I can't wait, I've missed the temple a lot and since it was closed while I was in the MTC I haven't been for a little over 7 months. It'll be so great to go, since there are other missionaries from my group that just came from areas that they weren't able to go I'm sure one of them will be able to go with me, that'll be a lot of fun. To get to reconnect as we visit the Lord's house. It'll make me very happy.

Well that's all for this week, I love you all, take care and have a wonderful week!

---Elder King
3rd Nephi 5:13

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