Monday, February 25, 2013

Email Letter - February 25, 2013

Hello everyone! Things are good, it was a really good week this week. A lot of good is going on and we're teaching a lot of people now. The work has really picking up and going well. But with all of that there isn't a lot to say.

One thing we've been dong since Christmas is some service at the food pantry here. We're meeting a lot of people and getting our faces and names and persona out for the people to see. So when we or the Spanish missionaries go tracting people recognize us and know we're out doing good. We're more accepted now and things are going good.

Like I said not much to report, we're just getting geared up for our mission conference on the 9th with an Apostle and member of the presidency of the Seventy. They won't disclose who but we know it's gonna be good and we're looking forward to it. I love you guys and will talk to you soon!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Email Letter - February 18, 2013

Hey everyone! Things are good here and life is good. We had transfers this week, and nothing's changing for us. So not too much is going on.

We had a really good week and got a lot of things done. We had some really great teaching lessons with some of our solid investigators and things are going really great with them. We're planning on extending a baptismal date to them soon. We also picked up a new investigator, a younger lady that's going to Chico state but lives in Orland. She had missionaries coming over to her house when she lived in Bakersfield 10 or so years ago and remembered that she liked them so she invited us back and we have another appointment with her this Friday.

We also found some less-actives that want to be taught and we're going to start teaching them this week. So things are really looking up for us here in Orland, and the work is really picking up quickly now too. We're excited about how it's going. Anyway there isn't much to say, but I love you guys and will talk to you soon.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Email Letter - February 11, 2013

Hey everyone! It's been a good week and things are going really well. We actually had the best week lesson wise since I've been in orland with a few members coming to lessons and a lot of new people we talked to and also some good less active lessons. It's been a blast. I've got a pretty bad cough but it isn't slowing me down, and things are good. There isn't a whole lot to say about the week. We do have a half-mission conference tomorrow in Gridley which will be good. It's always really good at those.
Ballard and I went fishing this morning on the bishop's property. Turns out he has about 1.5 thousand acres. Most of it is nut orchards, there's some citrus and other fruits in there too. So we went to a little water hole in the middle of it, didn't catch a fish but sure had a good time. Here's some pictures:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Email Letter - February 4, 2013

Hey everyone! it was a good week, very enjoyable. We had a few good lessons, and made some good contacts. We had Stake conference broadcast from Salt Lake and Elder Paul V. Johnson, another of the Seventy, and Elder Perry and a Sister speak to us and it was really good. Elder Perry talked a lot about how there will be a flood of missionaries coming in and that the members of the church really need to step up and help out with the work, or it won't matter if they have extra missionaries or not. I wish that things like this would really get people motivated but you really can't create motivation from an outside source, I've found out. That's been a real struggle with a lot of my companions throughout the mission.
This last week we had a great time shearing some sheep and stuff. We didn't actually do any of the shearing because you have to be certified for that, but we got to search out any dirt, poop, or skin that was taken off from the cutters or whatever and take that out. It was a lot of fun! Plus, my hands were super smooth from all the lanolin. It was good.
I hope all is going good, I love you guys and will talk to you soon!

Here's a picture with my teddy bear Floyd: