Monday, March 12, 2012

Email Letter - March 12, 2012

Hey everyone. We had a much better week this last week. Sorry about my lack of writing last week as there wasn't much to say. But this week we had a nice treat that I didn't mention anything about last week. We were very privileged to hear from Elder L. Tom Perry and Elder Richard J. Maynes this last week in a bi-mission conference. Us and Sacramento Mission. It was really cool to be in the presence of an Apostle of the Lord. We talked about a lot of different things, about how to work better with members, and how to better share the Gospel, things like that. One thing that sticks out to me is the comment that was made by Elder Perry saying that we're where we are because this is where we're the most effective. Mission, zone, area, companionship. That was something that was really emphasized. At least to me. Another thing that was emphasized was keeping our temple covenants and also "The Rescue" which is the Church's big thing right now under President Monson. Needless to say there was a  lot of very good discussion and it was very well enjoyed.
We had an amazing lesson yesterday. While we were at church we get this text from a member saying something along the lines of "Elders call me as soon as you can, I have someone for you to teach." This member and her family are converts of a few years and one of their good friends had some stuff happen that made her, and her daughter, super prepared. It's interesting how that sometimes it takes an event to happen to prepare someone for the Gospel, kind of like the Zoramites that were 'compelled to be humble'. This was one of the best lessons I've been a part of and the spirit was super strong. We're meeting with them again on Wednesday and planning on committing them to baptism then as well.
We had a good lesson with our other investigators as well, Kristian and Vitta. Vitta told us the reasons she wasn't baptized the last time she met with missionaries up in Chico, and we feel we can settle her concerns. She feels that us calling out to her husband before we could even really see him and striking up a random conversation is a sign from God that she needs to join the church. Which it is, and she needs to do.
Anyway family, I love you guys. Take care! Have a wonderful week!

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