Monday, April 30, 2012

Email Letter - April 30, 2012

Hey everyone. Things were good this week. We finally moved it, on Tuesday. It was a pain to wait and live off minimals but sometimes you need to do that. At least the members we were with are pretty great. We're in probably the nicest apartment in the mission now. It's awesome. I like it.
Thursday I was able to go to the temple with Elder Roley! It was really great. I really understood more this time than I have before, and because of that it was a lot more meaningful and the revelation was excellent. You know how last time I saw Ian Bliss at the temple? I didn't see him again, but I did see Nathan Tubbs! Homeboy is fat! I asked how much he weighed. I won't give the weight, but we'll say that he is about 40 lbs heavier than he was when he graduated.  Apparently the Santa Rosa mission goes every 3 months, and depending on where you are in the mission you go to the Sac, Oakland or Medford temple. I think that's how it should be done here too. Oh well. It was good to see Tubbs though. I love that kid! I would send some pictures but the computers at our complex are really lame. About as lame as they can get actually. Looks a lot like windows 98 to me. It probably is. In any case, the Operating System is old school. And there are a grand total of 0 available USB ports. Bummer.
Saturday was Mormon Helping Hands. It was awesome! We did a lot of work at an elementary school, moving sand from one playground to the other, then filling the one we removed the sand from with woodchips. We also removed weeds and put woodchips in their place around the trees on one side of the school. Planted some flowers and fixed up and painted the backstops on one of the baseball fields. That was a whole lot of fun and we got the work done fairly quickly as well. just a couple of hours. I have some pictures from that too, but again, I can't send them. Oh well.
Yesterday The family we've been working with finally came to church! I think they had a good experience. We're making contact with them again tomorrow and are going to find out. There little one was a hastle but other than that they seemed to enjoy it, they participated and definitely felt the spirit. And it was good to finally have them there!
As you can see the week was pretty eventful, and enjoyable. Transfers are next week and I should know what is happening by the time I email. So we'll see how it goes. I think I'm going but you never know. We shall see. Anyway, I love you guys. Have a great week!

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