Monday, June 17, 2013

Email Letter - June 17, 2013

Hey everyone, this is the last email that will be sent out.
This week was really great, we had some really solid lessons with our investigators, especially the new ones we found a couple weeks back, Brian and Carrie. They're so awesome. After we answered a couple of questions about the family proclamation that we gave them about the Pre-Mortal life, we had Carrie say the closing prayer. She was really specific too, She prayed and thanked God that we showed up  while they were searching. They are searchers. We're so excited for them to progress, they slept in and missed church but they felt so badly, and we'll be more on top of them being awake next week.
Greg made it to church with his daughter Chrissy, they had to leave early for father's day activities, and Chrissy didn't want to leave. Which surprised us. We're getting really excited for the growth of that family.

I'm happy to see such growth here. The ward is becoming more and more missionary minded and they're really helping out. Things are looking up for the Loomis 2nd ward.

 Life is good, I'll see you next week!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Email Letter - June 10, 2013

Hey everyone it was another great week here in Loomis. I sure love it here. We had some great success and things are looking good. With Greg, we met with him almost every day again, and he is starting to realize that because he knows the Book of Mormon is true, that he can't keep putting off keeping the commandments. Once he finally commits he'll start making larger steps. We're putting a bit more pressure on him now too, and we feel that will help him make the decision to move forward and act.
We also found a middle-aged couple to teach this week. We emphasized with them the importance of family, and how it can be eternal and there can be more peace at home.  We see things going well with them.

Life is going really good, Elder Livingston and I are both happy and unified and working hard. I love you all!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Email Letter - June 3, 2013

Hey all, life is still going great. We have seen so many miracles this week and it has been so amazing. We're still meeting with Greg almost every day, and he's doing awesome. He still won't commit to a baptismal date, but we're making progress to that point and he's doing awesome.

I had a great experience with one of the Assistants this week, it was one of those days where it doesn't look like we would be able to get everything we needed to done in the time we had. But of course it all worked out. We had to get their car into the shop to get their tires replaced and brakes changed, and because of that we were on foot all day. No big deal, except their area covers two stakes out here. Which made for a lot of fun. It was truly miracle after miracle though. We had members pull over and ask if we wanted rides, which was the only way we made it to appointments on time, and also just in the right amount of time to pick up the car, if that member hadn't shown up they would have been carless all weekend. So all of that plus all sorts of miracles in the Loomis area. It's really been amazing to see that just like it says in Preach My Gospel, obedience brings blessings, exact obedience brings miracles. As Elder Livingston and I haven't shirked off our duties just because we go home soon, we've seen a special outpouring of miracles, on us and those around us. And we will continue to work in such a way that pleases the Lord.

Life is good here, I'm sure it is there too. I love you all, take good care!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Email Letter - May 27, 2013

Hey everyone! Life is going good, we've seen a lot of miracles in the Loomis area this week and it's been so great to have them around us.

This week we met with one of our investigators every day except for one, and it's been great. Everything we taught was accepted so well and so readily. He's been tithing at his other church for 3 years, and is just fine switching to ours, as well as live the law of the fast, the word of wisdom, and the law of chastity. All of which we taught this week and he committed to live. How cool is that! All he needs is an answer about the Book of Mormon, which he is looking for. Once he gets that he'll be ready to go. He doesn't want to set a baptismal date until he receives that answer, but it's becoming more of a "when I get baptized" in stead of "If I get baptized" situation. Life is good.
Things are going great, Liv and I are getting along great, and things are starting to pick up and flow well.

I love you all, happy Memorial day!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Email Letter - May 20, 2013

Hey everyone! We had a really good week this week. There were a lot of miracles that happened, just little things. But miracles just the same. I'm so happy out here.

Among the miracles is that we had one of our investigators come to church for the first time, and he really enjoyed it. We're super excited on how he's progressing. We were praying on different ways we could help him progress, and really pushing to come to Sacrament meeting was the biggest thing. We also committed him to read from the Book of Mormon, and meet with us every day this week, with the promise that if we does that and continues to pray about the Book of Mormon that at the end of this week he will receive an answer that the Book of Mormon is true, and so is this church. We're working hard to make that work, and so is he. It's really great to see his dedication to finding an answer.

As I said things are good. I love you all, and hope all is going great. Take good care!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Email Letter - May 13, 2013

Hey all! Transfer week this week so it'll be a shorter one because there is a lot to do today. Things are going really well and we had a great week last week capped off by a baptism and confirmation. It was really a great service, with a lot of the ward coming to show their support. Even with a few non-members there to witness the ordinance as well. We hope that those will all turn into investigators, as the Spirit was definitely there to testify of the truth. It was very great to see all that happen, especially with the confirmation and the blessing that came from the Lord via Elder Livingston. It's great to see some of those great experiences happen in someone else's life. I love being an instrument for the Lord.

That's all, I love you all very much, hope your mother's day was as great as mine. Take care and have a great week!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Email Letter - May 6, 2013

What up everyone! Things went well again this week. We're  just getting things set up for our baptism this coming friday. We're really excited for that, and so is Katelyn our investigator. She's doing great and sure loves how things are going. We watched Elder Holland's talk on the Book of Mormon from a few years ago with her yesterday and she loved it. We're excited for her.

A sad thing this week is Elder Livingston and I had to call a few of our missionaries to repentance. One of the districts we're over has been having a few issues that needed correction. I think they may hate us now but that's their problem. We had the Spirit with us as we talked to them, and it was pretty interesting to see. Afterwards Liv and I were talking and we both felt that the fact that they didn't say anything attested to their guilt and we felt like Nephi did the multiple times he confounded his older brothers. I hate babysitting but that's what it has become. hopefully that district will be shaken up a lot this coming transfer next week and things will shape up.

We're also seeing a lot of success in our area with some investigators that are progressing extremely well. We taught 3 lessons to them last week, and had a few other visits with them. They agreed that when they found out the Book of Mormon is true that they'll be baptized, and we plan on setting a firm date this week. We're really excited for them. The Church really needs them here in this area.

Things are going well, I'm happy and healthy with no reason to complain. I love you all and will talk to you soon!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Email Letter - April 29, 2013

Hey all! Things are still going strong here in Loomis. We're keeping busy, doing a lot of knocking and talking to people, but we're sure to get some good teaching in there at the same time. We've set a goal this week to pass out at least one copy of the Book of Mormon each day. We're determined to keep pushing strong.

The work is going great. We still have Katelyn, the 18 year old we're teaching on date for Friday next week, and she is moving forward. Now that she's finally decided to commit to a date she's on fire. Still quiet, and doesn't want to make any other decisions, but on fire nonetheless.

Our other investigators are doing great also. They came for a chapel tour last week and really enjoyed it. Especially the peace in the Chapel. We're really excited on how they're progressing and are hoping to set a baptismal date with them as well.

We're having a good time here, a really good time. Things are going good and life is grand. I love you all and am grateful for each of you. Have a great Week!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Email Letter - April 22, 2013

Hey everyone! Another great week here in Loomis. We had a couple of pretty great experiences this week. We were able to set a baptismal date for the second week in May, with an 18 year old girl who is planning on attending BYU-I with one of her friends that is a member. She is great and things are moving forward with her.

The other experience is a great one. One of those ones you hear every time you go to a welcome home for a missionary. Last night we had an open house for the Stake at our church building. Our responsibility was to set out proselyting literature and to welcome people in. Especially the non-members of course. But we had an extra set of missionaries, due to the Spanish elders coming for a Puerto Rican family that didn't come. So Elder Livingston and I went out to talk to some people that were walking on the street near the church. They ran away, but we opted to knock on some of the doors near by and invite them to come. No one was interested. It was time to start, so we were headed on our way back and outside of the church there were two young men standing and talking, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We asked them if they were there for the open house, they said yes, but felt that they were underdressed. We invited them to come back in, although underdressed, saying that the singing part that they were they for to support their friend was about to start. After a bit more talking they agreed and we walked in, sat in the back, and enjoyed the performance.

After the performance we talked to them briefly, and they agreed to hear the lessons. They don't live in our area, but they are looking forward to meeting the missionaries in Rocklin. Miracles are everywhere in missionary work!

Things are going great. I can't complain. I love you all and have a great week!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Email Letter - April 15, 2013

Hey everyone, so the first full week in Loomis was also great. I don't have a ton of time but here are some highlights. We found 2 new investigators that are really sincere and want to learn. We set a baptismal date with one of our other investigators and they're more excited than we are for it. He is an exceptional kid, and is just looking to get things going right for him.

I was sick, pretty bad for a couple of days and am still recovering but I am much better now and can work really hard for most of the day instead of not at all which I like. A virus hit the house we live in with a member family, I think I got it from other missionaries and then brought it home. It hit me and one of the others in the house Thursday morning. Not a fun experience.

We were able to get an investigator to a baptism, and start teaching a few less-active families.

Sorry it's short, I'll time it out better next time but I was learning all the lame reports today. Shouldn't be so sorry of an email next week. I love you all take care!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Email Letter - April 8, 2013

Hey everyone! Let me tell you this week was awesome. I'm happy to be where I am and am really enjoying it here in Loomis. This week was hectic though, but I'd rather have that than boring. Let me break it down.

I arrived in Loomis on Tuesday right about 12:30, we babysat another missionary until his companion got into town, then went to dinner at this house I thought was huge at the time. That opinion has changed a bit. After that we had a lesson with a less-active and things were good.

Wednesday we had a sweet lesson with a young woman that will be getting baptized soon. We're hoping the 27th, we're just trying to find the right way to stop members from jumping in after we extend the invitation to be baptized. We also threw down on the non-member half of the part member family we ate with. Of course it doesn't matter when they don't care, but we won. That's the important thing.

Thursday was littered with meetings and planning sessions, another lesson with that same woman and a lesson with a 9 year old that was baptized on Friday.

Friday was the crazy day. Zone leader meeting in Gridley, almost 2 hours away, that started at 9 and ended at 2. We had a lesson with a new investigator at 4, then we rushed over to fill the font for RJ, the 9 year old, to get baptized, while that was filling we cleaned the area and set up the chairs for the crowd of people. After the baptism, which was awesome, we then cleaned up the area and took down all the chairs all on our own. Then, at about 8:30 we went home and ate dinner.

Then we had the weekend to relax, at least for 2 hour periods. Conference was amazing. In between sessions was crazy though, fitting in more lessons and lunches and all sorts of other craziness. But the Spirit was there and it all worked out.

Two talks that hit me really hard, I learned a lot from all of them but I really enjoyed Brother Beck's talk in the Sunday Morning session about acceptance and Elder Kopischke's talk that afternoon about ministering. It was really a great conference.

I appreciate you all and love you all, take care and we'll talk again soon!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Email Letter - April 1, 2013

Hey everyone! Things went really good again this week.

It really slowed down but we got a lot of good work done and enjoyed a good time.

We had a really high amount of Less-actives show up for their semi-annual church attendance for Easter which was nice, we got to meet some new people and set some dinner appointments with a few of them and it'll be a lot of fun getting to know them. Or at least it would be. I'm getting Transferred down to Loomis 2nd ward, as zone leader in the Lincoln zone. It'll be a lot of fun I think.

I've only heard good things about the area and about my companion so I'm really excited for it. It'll be a good area to finish in I think. That seems to be what will happen.

Anyway, aside from all the transfer excitement, which there isn't much because I'm the only one leaving from my zone, not much is going on. Just looking forward to a new area and a new adventure. Much love to you all!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Email Letter - March 25, 2013

Hey everyone. We had another good, but fairly uneventful week this week. Things are trucking along just fine and things are good. Elder Ballard and I are getting along really well and we're working really hard to get things going.

Life is going really well. Transfers are next week and I think I'll be leaving to go to another area. We'll see how it goes.

This last week I went on exchanges into the Spanish missionaries are and it was really fun messing with people to make them think I know Spanish. Using the proper form to address people respectfully and the such. It was pretty funny when they would ask if I spoke Spanish, and I would promptly tell them no. They would usually be taken aback. It was pretty funny.

Anyway, life is like I said uneventful, just a lot of doors. I love you guys and will talk to you again next week!

Please enjoy the following pictures.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Email Letter - March 18, 2013

Hey everyone. We had an exceptional week this week. As far as numbers go we had the best week of my mission with 25 lessons, 4 less-actives to sacrament and 1 investigator to sacrament. We worked our backsides to get those numbers, and we're feeling pretty good that we can do it again this week.

The idea is to help motivate the other missionaries and also to inspire the members to help us out. Member trust will hopefully skyrocket. Especially since we had a huge report to give this Sunday, while the stake presidency and other stake leaders were in the meetings due to ward conference.

Some highlights: We ran into a less-active member for the third time in the last two weeks, and were finally able to set an appointment with her as she realized that God was putting us in her way for a reason. We ran into her on our way to dinner, members had given us some money and we were going to go to the Chinese place, but as we passed the town's burger joint I changed my mind, and since I'm the driver what I say goes. So we stopped, and as we got out of the car, this less-active was getting out of her apartment on the other side of the street. That was the third time,  and we got things set up for tonight at another member's house.

Another cool experience happened as we were meeting with a less-active that we've been teaching for a while. Her sister was just diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. We were able to testify of the hope that comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also outlined the events that led up to her meeting with us. Her daughter was baptized, so she started going to church in Corning, where her daughter and son-in-law are, then the  missionaries there told us about her and we got over to her house and started teaching her. The lesson before she found out about the cancer we taught about the Plan of Salvation. We were able to testify that she had been led by the Lord to us and that with the Gospel she would have greater strength and would be able to stand stronger with the sorrow of her sister's illness.

Those were just a few of the miracles we had this week. It was full of great things and hard work. I love you guys, have a great week.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Email Letter - March 11, 2013

Hey everyone! Things are great. Life is good. We had a great meeting with Elder Niel L. Anderson, Craig C. Christensen, and our area 70 last Saturday.

Here are some main themes and notes:
  • We can't be so hard on ourselves. When we're doing self evaluations and introspective thought we need to realize and remember that we are not 100% and never will be until we return to Heavenly Father. So we need to be patient with our weaknesses and work to make them strengths.
  • We need to remember that everyone has their agency, and that we can't make them follow the Lord. Elder Anderson taught about Alma 42, and taught that those who choose not to come are not compelled to come, but also taught how that chapter teaches about the beauty of those that do accept the Gospel and how they grow and benefit from it.
  • Elder Christensen taught about the word "hasten" as that's what everyone is saying about the age change. He taught about how the word Hasten doesn't just mean to quicken, but also to broaden and deepen. He taught about how broadening and deepening our conversion and also the member's conversion and find our place in the member's lives and help them remember their conversions and missions.
All in all it was really good and really enjoyable feasting on the spirit. I learned a lot about myself from the conference also, and I think that was the most enjoyable and fulfilling thing.

That's really all to report from this last week, nothing big is happening. Things are just the way they should be. I love you all and will talk to you soon.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Email Letter - March 4, 2013

Hey everyone! It was a pretty alright week this week all things considered. We had a few good lessons with people, but most of them were just drop ins, as every single set appointment except for one cancelled on us this week. But that's been known to happen. It made it so we could get out and talk to more people and really look for more people to teach.

We didn't actually have any success in that department this week but we keep trying and working and things are good.

Elder Ballard and I are doing much better too which is really good. We're more united and that makes it easier to teach.

This coming Saturday we have an exciting event! We're having a full mission conference with a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, Presidency of the Seventy and also with our area authority Seventy Frank B. Trythall. Rumor has it that the Apostle is Elder Anderson. I'll flip out if it is. He has become one of my favorites. Whether it is or isn't though it'll be a very good conference and will definitely be really enjoyable. I'm super stoked for that. Plus, the conference is in Roseville, so it'll be fun to be there again even though it won't be for very long.

Anyway that's all for this week, I sure love and miss you guys. Have a great week!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Email Letter - February 25, 2013

Hello everyone! Things are good, it was a really good week this week. A lot of good is going on and we're teaching a lot of people now. The work has really picking up and going well. But with all of that there isn't a lot to say.

One thing we've been dong since Christmas is some service at the food pantry here. We're meeting a lot of people and getting our faces and names and persona out for the people to see. So when we or the Spanish missionaries go tracting people recognize us and know we're out doing good. We're more accepted now and things are going good.

Like I said not much to report, we're just getting geared up for our mission conference on the 9th with an Apostle and member of the presidency of the Seventy. They won't disclose who but we know it's gonna be good and we're looking forward to it. I love you guys and will talk to you soon!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Email Letter - February 18, 2013

Hey everyone! Things are good here and life is good. We had transfers this week, and nothing's changing for us. So not too much is going on.

We had a really good week and got a lot of things done. We had some really great teaching lessons with some of our solid investigators and things are going really great with them. We're planning on extending a baptismal date to them soon. We also picked up a new investigator, a younger lady that's going to Chico state but lives in Orland. She had missionaries coming over to her house when she lived in Bakersfield 10 or so years ago and remembered that she liked them so she invited us back and we have another appointment with her this Friday.

We also found some less-actives that want to be taught and we're going to start teaching them this week. So things are really looking up for us here in Orland, and the work is really picking up quickly now too. We're excited about how it's going. Anyway there isn't much to say, but I love you guys and will talk to you soon.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Email Letter - February 11, 2013

Hey everyone! It's been a good week and things are going really well. We actually had the best week lesson wise since I've been in orland with a few members coming to lessons and a lot of new people we talked to and also some good less active lessons. It's been a blast. I've got a pretty bad cough but it isn't slowing me down, and things are good. There isn't a whole lot to say about the week. We do have a half-mission conference tomorrow in Gridley which will be good. It's always really good at those.
Ballard and I went fishing this morning on the bishop's property. Turns out he has about 1.5 thousand acres. Most of it is nut orchards, there's some citrus and other fruits in there too. So we went to a little water hole in the middle of it, didn't catch a fish but sure had a good time. Here's some pictures:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Email Letter - February 4, 2013

Hey everyone! it was a good week, very enjoyable. We had a few good lessons, and made some good contacts. We had Stake conference broadcast from Salt Lake and Elder Paul V. Johnson, another of the Seventy, and Elder Perry and a Sister speak to us and it was really good. Elder Perry talked a lot about how there will be a flood of missionaries coming in and that the members of the church really need to step up and help out with the work, or it won't matter if they have extra missionaries or not. I wish that things like this would really get people motivated but you really can't create motivation from an outside source, I've found out. That's been a real struggle with a lot of my companions throughout the mission.
This last week we had a great time shearing some sheep and stuff. We didn't actually do any of the shearing because you have to be certified for that, but we got to search out any dirt, poop, or skin that was taken off from the cutters or whatever and take that out. It was a lot of fun! Plus, my hands were super smooth from all the lanolin. It was good.
I hope all is going good, I love you guys and will talk to you soon!

Here's a picture with my teddy bear Floyd:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Email Letter - January 28, 2013

Hey everyone, it was another good week.

Things are starting to really pick up in the area and work out. We've been able to meet with a lot of people, and some members are helping out set some appointments and helping us find people to teach. So it's going well. No big complaints here.

We picked up a new investigator this week which is exciting, the first since I've been here in Orland. The man moved up from So-cal recently and was riding his bike around. He sells solar panels and saw the huge south facing roof of the church and thought he would  go check it out, he saw it was a church house and saw the visitors welcome sign and decided to check it out. He went on and looked up the meeting times and all sorts of stuff. It is really cool to see how prepared people like that are and how ready they are to accept the Gospel.

He travels a lot so we won't be meeting with him again for a while but we will in a couple of week and plan on extending a baptismal date that day as well. We're excited to see how that goes. As I said things are going well and looking up, it's nice to have a companion that likes to and wants to work. I love you all and have a great week!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Email Letter - January 21, 2013

Hello from Chico!
So it's been an interesting week, my giant companion and I have really hit it off and gotten some good work done. We're seeing some good fruits from it too. That's when you know what you're doing is good, when good fruits sprout from your efforts. It's pretty cool. People that Knight and I couldn't get a hold of are coming out of the wood works and we're finding new people to teach as well. We also have a few members working hard to help us too which is something I haven't had my whole mission so it's pretty enjoyable. I'm really having a good time.
Here's a funny moment from the week: big boy Ballard and I were in the car, and I said something sarcastic, just being me and all. Well he doesn't like sarcasm too much, and said so. So what do I do? I say "Sorry elder, I grew up speaking sarcasm, English is my second language." Whoops. Oh well, I thought it was funny at least. This could be a really fun transfer, we'll see how it goes. I love you all and have a great week!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Email Letter - January 14, 2013

Hey everyone! Transfers this week, and I'm getting a new comp. It'll be interesting, He's kind of a giant. 6'6" and big. really big. I had  dream last week that I was getting a giant, and I was right!

Anyway, not much happened this week mostly we tagged some rams, and we'll be shearing them each Saturday for the next few weeks. That'll be a ball, I'm excited for that.

Again not much to say, I think this transfer will go much better than this most previous one. It was rough, but that's alright we just move forward.

I love you guys and will talk to you again soon.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Email Letter - January 7, 2013

Hey everyone. So it was a good, but fairly uneventful week. Dennis, the super prepared man from last week's email cancelled his lesson but we'll be getting back with him this week to begin teaching him. We're excited for that. Aside from that the main thing to bring up is something I'm not too happy about but may cause some excitement on your end. Due to the age change, the MTC time will be shortened. And to accommodate that, all missions world wide will be having a 5 week transfer next transfer. What this means is that all missionaries that are in the field for that transfer will be coming home one week early. That makes my return date June 25th as opposed to July 2nd. It's been officially announced and the reaction I've seen for the most part is the same  as mine.

It will all work out, I guess it's what the Lord wants right now so I'll go with it. All the more reason to make the best of what time I have. Myself and the rest of the missionaries around here will just have to move on and accept it. But maybe I'll be able to get some sort of permission to stay or something. It'll all work out to how the Lord wants.

Recently I've been really focusing on my relationship with Christ, I heard a talk a little bit ago that mentioned that it isn't enough to know about him but that we really have to know him, and that's what I'm looking for now. I've realized that recently I've come to know him much better than I did before, but I'm not where I want to be yet. It's kind of interesting because as I've been on this train of thought there have been a few scriptures that have all linked themselves together. Christ calls Himself the Truth (John 14:6), in Doctrine and Covenants 93:24 Truth is defined as a knowledge of things past present and future, or in other words the Plan of Salvation. There were two big things that come from knowing the Truth that I picked up on as well. First, the Truth will set you free( John 8:32) and that when we really come to know the truth we would rather die than sin (Alma 24:19). What's really cool as that all of those scriptures somehow came up in my study this last week as I was reading in the General conference Ensign and Jesus the Christ and where I am at in my Book of Mormon reading. 
It's been really cool and I've enjoyed it a lot.
I love you guys, have a great week!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Email Letter - December 31, 2012

Hey everyone, it was another good week here in Orland, just kickin it with the Christmas holiday and the such. It was a blast, we just played games with the bishop and his family after the call, and the such. It was a good time.

The next day we went back to work, and had a few good things happen. The coolest bit is a little miracle we had in church on Sunday. We got out of our morning meetings and walked out to the foyer, and there was a man sitting there. I didn't recognize him, so went up to say hello, and we got to talking about how he hadn't been to church in about 20 years, and was ready for his life to change. We invited him to sit with us, but he sat with a member family that invited him to sit with them in stead (this is my new favorite family in the ward by the way) and he joined them for sacrament meeting instead. After that we went to class, and the lesson was on exaltation, which worried me a bit with the people that come to the gospel principles class. But it went really well.

Let me simulate a conversation between Dennis, that's the guy, and Brother Henderson the Ward mission leader that was teaching the class. Bro H "To be exalted we need to get to the temple and receive our endowments and also be sealed, that is the only way." Dennis "how do I get to the temple?" Bro H "you have to be baptized for a year, and then you can go for the endowments and such." Dennis "How do I get baptized?" Bro H "talk to those young men next to you." Dennis (turning to us) "How do I get baptized?" me, with a huge smile on my face "We can teach you just how to do that."

Of course it was paraphrased, but how awesome! It was amazing to have that happen, we only get stories of that. You always hear about stuff like this at home before your mission, but then you get out here thinking that is the only thing that happens to missionaries and it doesn't, that it's a rare occasion. But it does happen, and it's going to be a wild ride with him. We're super excited to begin teaching him, when he feeds us this Saturday.
Other than that there isn't too much that was monumental. I hope you all have a wonderful new year's eve, take good care of yourselves. I love you!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Email Letter - December 24, 2012

Hey all, and Merry Christmas! Things went swell this last week, we did hours upon hours of service, which was awesome. It snowed, not so awesome but still cool. We also had a few really good lessons, and our Christmas conference. The conference was really good, we had each zone from Yuba City up to Redding there, and we went to the Bishop's Storehouse here in Chico to do service there and that was awesome. It was a really good week, but not much to report, I love you guys and those that I will call tomorrow, I'll see you then!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Email Letter - December 17, 2012

Hey there everyone! this week went well, things are still pretty slow but they're going good none the less.

This week we did something fun, we helped a sister in the ward, tag her sheep! So basically we wrestled sheep and pierced their ears and stuff. It was pretty fun. Sheep are so stupid. It's no wonder the Lord compares us to sheep. They literally need a shepherd and a guide in everything that they do. It was pretty cool though to see some of the correlations between the sheep/shepherd relationship and how ours should be with Christ. They immediately went to the sister when she called, she was easily able to sort out the ones that needed shots and those that didn't, and a number of other things. as I said, really cool.
We also had a few pretty good lessons with the people that didn't cancel. And we're really focusing on getting the people we're teaching now to have a baptismal date, and focusing even more on finding those people that are ready. It's tough because the town is so small it has been canvassed over and over again, so we're trying really hard to focus on member work and referral work. We're also planning on getting some service hours in at the food pantry and the senior center, kind of like we did in Weaverville. We think that will help us out too.
Well I'm looking forward to the call next week, I sure love and miss you guys. Take care and I'll talk to you again soon!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Email Letter - December 10, 2012

Hello everyone! Comin at you from Chico, CA. It's pretty different here, mostly because I'm actually in Orland, which is about 20 miles outside of Chico. A really small town, about 6.5 thousand and mostly spanish speakers out there to farm. There are ranches, orchards and rice fields everywhere! It's pretty fun though.

Elder Knight is my new companion, go ahead and make the jokes. a king and a knight walked into a bar... I don't know a punchline for that but it's only a matter of time before someone in the ward comes up with one. There are about 60 people in the ward that come every week, and a lot, a LOT of less-active members here. It's one of those places people go to get away. Good thing I'm so familiar with that.

The area has been slow for a few weeks now. They had a lot of baptisms recently but didn't find anyone to replace those people to be taught. And the town is very familiar with missionaries as it's been tracted up over and over again. But that happens, it won't stop me. I'll build this area up again with my trusty Knight by my side, and also the Lord. Mostly the Lord

Anyway, I know it's a short one but nothing monumental happened this week. It's the start of a new life here, and I'm stoked for the work. I love you guys!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Email Letter - December 3, 2012

Hello one and hello all! It's been a good stay in the Redding area, but it's time to be gone. I'm getting transferred to Orland, a little farming area near Chico. It'll be good, and I'm excited to Jump start another area. It's kind of a bittersweet farewell though. As it always is, We've got a lot going here and it'll be hard to go. A few baptisms coming up in the next couple of months if all goes well and the less-actives we're working with are coming to church. But at the same time I've been here for a very long time, and I was getting pretty burnt out.

This last week was pretty full, there was a big storm that was rolling in, and everyone was pretty afraid of flooding and the such, but it went north of us. We spent a few hours of one of the mornings last week, filling, loading, unloading, and placing some sand bags. about 170 of them. at about 50 lbs a bag. It was definitely a long project. But we helped out some less-active members bag up the creek that runs through the property they own. And it was worth it, they were at church on sunday. And that makes it worth it. But that was a blast. It was really fun riding the bike in the rain, through the puddles, and up the muddied hills. That big goofy smile was on my face the whole time. Elder Jackson didn't enjoy it too much though. We also had an exchange, a really good p-day activity, and some solid lessons.
We had a few of our investigators commit to getting baptized when they know it's true, and that was really exciting. One of them didn't believe in God 2 weeks ago, but had some prayers answered and is really progressing in coming closer to Christ. It's so cool to see the changes that people go through. The other is a "friend" of one of the young woman in the second ward. a real salt of the earth kind of guy. He is a humble truth seeker and is really enjoying coming to church and also the lessons.
That's all folks! I love you guys and will talk to you next week.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Email Letter - November 26, 2012

Hey everyone! This week was pretty rough. We had almost every appointment cancel. That's what happens when you have a big holiday though. So we understand, but it's a bummer when only 1 of your 13 set appointments doesn't fall through in one way or another. In any case we had a great week. Thanksgiving was great, we spent it with one of the families we're working really hard with, and we've really enjoyed working with them.

We're gearing up for transfers next week. We're pretty sure but I'll be leaving, but you never know. The bishop here thinks I'll stay and Jackson will go, which honestly I wouldn't be surprised either way. We never really know. But I'm getting pretty burnt out on redding. As fun as it is and with all the work going on. That's how it is with each area I've been in though, start with nothing, leave just before the fruits of our efforts come. But I sure love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. I got news of a guy that I started teaching in Yuba City getting baptized last week. That was really cool!
I hope all your thanksgiving day excitement was great. I love you guys and will talk to you next week!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Email Letter - November 19, 2012

Hey everyone! We had a great week this week. Things are going really well. Although the baptism in hayfork was postponed the man still wants to be baptized and is planning on it happening in December. It would be sooner but we have to get him interviewed again by the zone leaders before it can happen and things will go from there. Things up in Hayfork are starting to get Icy and snowy though so we'll see how much longer we'll be going up there. We got ourselves some chains from a member and we've got front wheel drive, and I know how to drive in the snow, so whatever happens we should be alright. I'm not looking forward to the cold though. I hate the cold. The Redding heat has destroyed any immunity I had for the cold.
Down here in Redding things are on fire. Not temp wise, but missionary work wise. We've picked up new investigators each week for the last 3 weeks, and we are set up to pick up two more this week and set dates with two others. The work of the Lord rolls forward. It's great because this is more work than this area has seen in years. So we're super stoked about it. The ward is excited and we've got people that are helping with lessons and are asking when they can come with us again, we're getting media referrals and some solid member referrals as well. We're also working with some great less-active families and all is going great. I'll be sad to leave if that's what the Lord asks in a couple of weeks. But if it does then such is the way of missionary work, and I'll be happy to go to another area that I'm needed in and work hard there too.
We had a great meeting with President Weston this last week too. A zone conference with the Chico and Anderson zones there too. It was a blast. We had some training on finding and the Book of Mormon, and about the new Christmas webpage that the church is launching. Among other things. I really enjoyed it. We received a really cool challenge too, each missionary was given a fresh, paper back Book of Mormon and given the challenge to read it in the 85 days following that zone conference. The Idea was that Joseph Smith Translated the Book of Mormon in 85 days, and that means it would have been about 6 pages per day translating. We're reading it at the same pace, while also marking references to Jesus Christ, His attributes, His words spoken by Him or His prophets while prefaced "Thus saith the Lord" and also doctrines and principle outlined in the Book of Mormon. Things like prayer, faith, repentance and so on. It's been really good. In the first six pages, plus the title page, introduction, and testimonies of the 3 and 8 witnesses and also Joseph Smith, Christ was referred to over 100 times! Pretty amazing huh? It's been really exciting to have this challenge and to see what the Lord has done with His people throughout all time and is doing even now with us.
Anyway that's all for now, have a wonderful thanksgiving and week! I love you all!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Email Letter - November 12, 2012

Hello all! Another good week here in Redding, CA. We had a zone meeting here this week, and it really raised everyone's faith and vision. Almost every companionship had 20 lessons taught this week, there were 2 new baptismal dates set, and every companionship in my district found a new investigator. Booya! It was pretty exciting. We got a new investigator to teach, she's been coming to church for a couple of weeks and we were finally able to sit down with her and begin teaching her. She is really sensitive to the Spirit and feels really good at church. And with us. It's been really cool. The only problem is her friend is in 5th ward, and she wants to take the person we're teaching over there. That's a problem because in order to progress and be baptized and the such she has to go to church in the area she lives, and be taught by those missionaries. Which is frustrating for her friend who wants to take her to the other ward. But we'll work it out. It'll all be alright

The only really negative thing that happened this week was Peter, the investigator that is supposed to be baptized in Hayfork this week, failed his interview. He shouldn't have, we went over the questions with him the last week, and the answers he gave us were correct. For example, he bore Testimony about Joseph Smith to us, but with the zone leader he said something along the lines of "Yeah, I guess he could have been a prophet." It was frustrating. So the baptism isn't happening this week, before thanksgiving like Peter wanted. It's a bummer but it happens. We roll with the blows and move forward, take what we can get and work. It'll all work out.
Not too much to say, we had a fairly average week. It was good, and we had some good success.
Anyway, that's all I have, love you guys and have a great week!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Email Letter - November 5, 2012

Hello one and hello all! It was another fairly average week. We're still pushing really hard with our less-active work. I've been trying to teach Elder Jackson that I'm pretty sure the Lord sees a reactivation as the same as a baptism. They're all His lost sheep and need to be found, and we're the ones called to bring them in. So that's what we're doing.
Not to say that that we aren't trying to find new people to teach, that aren't members. That's always at the forefront of what we do. We're working hard on pushing member help to get this work going. And it seems to be working, we're still working with the ward council and getting plenty of referrals.
Talking to people on the street is something I'm getting more and more comfortable with, we're doing that more and more. Elder Jackson leads the way on that a lot, because it's not something I've been easy with. That's probably been the hardest proselyting thing that I've had to do. But I'm working on it, and I'm seeing the Lord bless me and Jackson. And it's going great.
Things are good. I'm loving going on all the exchanges with the other missionaries as district leader. It's been fun serving them and getting to know them. It's been a blast
Anyway, love you guys. Take care and be happy!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Email Letter - October 29, 2012

Hey all! It was another fair week. We did a few fun things like street contacting at the sundial bridge, went up to hayfork, had an exorcism performed, and had an exchange with the zone leaders.
At the sundial bridge, people were really cold. The only people that let us talk to them were some bethels. They were nice and all and it was good. Until we exchanged prayers at the end of our talk. We went first, said a nice simple prayer, and it was great. Then they went, it was kind of weird, they took turns as they went and were really casual. They prayed for interesting things like that we wouldn't be dizzy on our bikes. Then, when the last girl was praying, she was standing next to me, she briefly put her hand on my arm. NOT COOL! the really not good thing is, if you remember the rule from the first time I was here, was that they can pray for us, and "leave a blessing on us" as long as they don't touch us. I felt really icky. It was not good. It was the kind of feeling I have when passing the ouijii boards in Wal-mart. Not good. Not at all. So we hurried, after we had finished talking with them, up the mile long hill, and to a member's house so the evil spirit inside me could get exorcized. Yeah. Not kidding. We got there, got a blessing, and I immediately felt better. 
I sure love the priesthood and being able to discern what spirits are good and which are not. It sure is a blessing.
It was overall a really good week. No complaints here. I sure love you guys, have a great week!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Email Letter - October 22, 2012

Hello everyone! It was another good week, we're still working hard with those less-active families. We had a couple of them show up to the halloween carnival last week, which was great. We, and the Stake President, judged the chili cook off and the costume contest. It was a lot of fun!

The day after that, so Saturday, we made out way out to Hayfork to meet with Peter, one of our investigators up there. It was a great lesson, we taught about faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It was really cool though because as Elder Jackson extended the baptismal commitment, peter went on to tell us how he had been talking to his brother earlier that day and that they had talked about how they couldn't straddle the fence any longer. Peter has decided that he wants to be a "warrior for God" and join the church on November 17th! We're stoked. It's amazing when you have things like that to tell and share, how the Lord prepared Peter to accept the date just earlier that day. I think that if we had gone up on Sunday like originally planned we wouldn't have had the same result. It's amazing how that happens. There are no coincidences. Only miracles.

As is says, it's transfer week. We're both staying here to cover our 3 wonderful areas, and I was just called as the district leader. I'm excited to be able to serve the missionaries around me with a greater capacity. That's what it's all about, for me anyway. We'll see if my horrible group teaching skills improve. I know the Lord will help.

Anyway, that's all for this week, except.... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CARTER AND ANNA! Congrats on you temple trip, and enjoy the sealing this week. I love you guys, and I love you all!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Email Letter - October 15, 2012

Hello everyone! Another fabulous week here in red-hotting. Except it's not so hot anymore. Last week it dropped 20 degrees overnight and has stayed down in the 80s for the most part, it's been nice and cool.
We've started teaching and working with a few more less-active families and a few others as well. It's been really great, the ward's attitude really has changed. The bishop and Ward mission leader attended a meeting with a member of the mission presidency this last week and that really pumped them up. And we were finally able to follow through with a few referrals and assignments that we were given, and some that past missionaries were given but never got to, and have received more referrals and assignments. We feel the ward trust is really going. Momentum is on the rise!
This last week we finally organized something I've been wanting to do with these families for a while. We've been working with some older less-active couple, the Klaassens and the Donovans and in addition to our regular appointments we've set it up with them to have a "Book of Mormon book club" type thing. It's going really well. Everyone is at their own part of the Book of Mormon, and they all have different questions that are really good. The idea behind it is for the less-active couples to participate in teaching, and not just the learning and question asking part. It's been really exciting for this to finally turn out. We feel that with them helping teach as well as learn that the Spirit will testify of what THEY say and not just what we say, and with that they'll have more of a desire to come to church, and also a desire to participate.
It's been a really great week as I said. We got in contact with a lot of people. We found a less-active who has been coming recently, and her husband wants to take the lessons, and a number of other things. Elder Jackson and I have finally found a teaching pattern that is working for us, and giving him some responsibility in the area has been working out really well. It's been absolutely wonderful. Good things are a coming!

I love you each and all is well. Talk to you again soon.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Email Letter - October 8, 2012

What a week it was! We had a really good week, our plans on working with the ward council here are paying off and we're finding new people to teach. We had a lesson earlier today with a woman whose family is returning to activity. We're going to be working closely with the home and visiting teachers, as well as the leaders of her children's quorum and class leaders and teachers to help them gain Testimony and Conversion, like Elder Bednar talked about.

Conference was fabulous as always. It's always a joy to get to hear from the prophets and apostles of the Lord. I particularly enjoyed Elder Cook's talk on singing the song of redeeming love. It's a big section for missionaries to read in Alma 5 where we're given the self check to see if we are really reflecting the Lord's image on ours. As well as President Eyring's talk about removing the pavillian from ourselves, that it isn't covering God it's covering us. Those were two of the big ones for me.
As for the work, it's going up, as mentioned above we're really earning member trust and working really well with the ward leaders. It's enjoyable and we're doing well.
Sorry it's another short one but we're short on time. I love you guys!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Email Letter - October 1, 2012

Hey everyone. This week was alright. Things are still slow, and we're still hitting a lot of doors and talking to a lot of people.

We had some good lessons though in our trip up to Hayfork last friday. We had one with Pepper, who was on date but hasn't given up smoking and she's out of time for that. Also, when we got there to her house there was a huge pot plant hanging up to dry. Needless to say I was ever so pissed. Intrigued, but very angry none-the-less. We're really frustrated with her and her fiance, who is a member that uses. They're adamant that they won't be giving it up, so they can't move forward. We can't help them because they won't help themselves. That's been a real struggle with them. We'll do what we can but they need to make some big steps before they can move forward.

The other Hayfork investigator is doing really well on the other hand. He was working on the fire a few weeks ago so hasn't read or prayed as much as he should have been but he's working on it and committed to read at least one page a day. That's a start. He also told us that it will be soon that he's ready to commit to a date for baptism, but that he isn't quite ready just yet. Overall it was a productive trip out there, we went to the ward dinner in Weaverville, and got to see many of our old friends, and then had a lesson over there as well. The investigator there isn't taking it seriously anymore so we don't think we'll be working with him much longer. It's been a struggle with him but we work with what we've got.

Down in Redding, it's hot. It was over 100 yesterday, and will be again a few more times this week from what we hear. That's no bueno. But we'll get over it. Lots of water! Lots and lots.

We had a really good lesson here in Redding the other day actually. We stopped at a families house that recently returned to activity and we've been working with frequently, just for a surprise visit. They've been struggling lately, so we felt we should go by and while we were there I felt like I should show them a video from a talk that I found out here and really like. F. Enzio Busche's "Unleashing the Dormant Spirit" is what it was. And it was just a segment where he gives a list on how we can better have the Spirit with us in our lives. After the video was done they asked if we had been stalking them and knew exactly what they needed to hear because we knew their lives so well. We told them that we haven't stalked them at all but in a sense God has. It was pretty funny and the Spirit was strong the whole time. It's always good to listen to those small whisperings. And always worth it.

I love you all and have a wonderful week!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Email Letter - September 24, 2012

Hey all! Hope all is going good and that you had a wonderfantastical week of good great adventures of fun! I sure did. We knocked a whole lot of doors and met a whole lot of people. Weird people at that. It was different. I think the craziest was this guy that was baptized years and years ago in Layton, and started traveling, and hasn't been back. He wants to share his story with us this week. Kindof a lune but we'll have fun with it.

We did have a good time helping out some of the members I got to be pretty good friends with the first time I was here. A few months ago we helped them move into their new house and basically just threw all their junk into the garage, well last week we organized it. Then after they fed us we played a game of Magic, the gathering. Weirdest card game ever. It was sort of fun. But I don't think we'll play again any time soon.

That's about how my week was, we're headed back out to hayfork for a day this friday and that'll be a blast. It's a good place to  be, especially with the fire out now. We're looking forward to it!
Love you guys and have a great week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Email Letter - September 17, 2012

This week was a long week. We got down to Redding on Tuesday, and for the next 2 days cleaned the apartment. If you remember, we live in a garage at a member's house, missionaries have been there for a few years now, and it had never been deep cleaned. Pretty gross. The floor is covered with rugs and we took those out and washed them, and while they were drying we went in and cleaned up the floor under the rugs. Needless to say it doesn't smell as much like dirty socks in there anymore. Plus it's more conducive to the Spirit which is really nice. We're hoping that will help us pick up this dead area.

By dead I really mean it. Elder Bennion and I picked up a less-active couple just before we were sent away, and they're the only ones that Jackson and I are working with now. While we were gone the other missionaries covering this ward didn't do much, they didn't really care they were just focused on the other area they were in.

So we're back to tracting into the Bethels and the Simpsonites, the members don't help much here either. They have no fire. It's a bummer. But we work hard and life is good. We know the Lord will reward us for it, if not in this area then another. That's just how it goes sometimes.

We still cover Hayfork and Weaverville too, which is fun. We'll go up every so often and work up there, and continue to help those we were already working with progress. That'll be good!

Stats: for the first 5 days, we had 3 flat tires, 1 crash, 2 broken bike pieces, 4 total lessons, 4 people ask to pray for us, 1 piece of anti material brought up, and many many many miles on the bikes. Plus all of the blessings from God which I really can't number. It's a happy life, I love being a missionary! I'll talk to you all again soon, I love you!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Email Letter - September 10, 2012

What's crackin' homies? Have you heard? Hayfork es en fuego. That's probably awful grammar but for those that don't speak spanish, Hayfork is on fire. It's really bad. We couldn't even see when we were leaving the smoke was so bad. Some guy apparently removed the spark guard on his chainsaw and caught the forest ablaze. It's burned a few thousand acres so far and wasn't contained at all when we took off on sunday. I don't have my bag or I would send pictures but I'm sure there are plenty online (found and added by Dad - see below) that you can see if you check it out.

Out of the fire and into the frying pan. We found out on Wednesday that we would be headed back down to Redding, effective tomorrow, and closing down Weaverville/Hayfork. We'll be going up every so often, but not as frequent. Oh well, I have faith that President is inspired and that Redding 2nd ward is where we need to be. As much as I didn't want to go. It'll be nice and hot here for us, back on bikes.

As far as the work goes, it'll be good to be in Redding, things were back to dead in Weaverville, and that was where we spent most of our time it being bigger and tractable. Redding will present some different problems but we will be alright. We'll be sure that the Bethels don't touch us and that we will win every bash with the Simpsonites, even when they quote the NIV.

Jackson and I are getting along, fairly well I think. No complaints here anyway. Though he probably thinks that I'm too weird to be a missionary. I'm trying to teach him to have fun while he works hard. He doesn't think the two go together. He's wrong! And now that we're on bikes I'll show him many a fun thing to do while not interfering with the work.

Anwyay, I love you all, be good and have a wonderful week!

September 7th, 2012 - Hayfork, CA

September 10th, 2012 - Hayfork, CA

Monday, September 3, 2012

Email Letter - September 3, 2012

Hello one and hello all! Another good week, fairly slow but that's okay. We had some really good success in Hayfork this week, one of our few investigators there decided to buckle down and read 318 pages of the Book of Mormon in just 6 days! How incredible is that? Pretty incredible I think. Things like that are happening in both areas, we've had some really good lessons with each of the people we're teaching. We see them changing their lives and becoming better people all around. It's hard to explain but the Spirit is working with them in ways that neither they nor we could imagine. It's truly amazing what the Lord can do.
Aside from a few small miracles like that there isn't much to report. Don't be grumpy with how short this email is. I love you all and hope all is great.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Email letter - August 27, 2012

Another great week in the mission field! This last week we had that half mission conference with Elder Cardon of the Seventy and that was really enjoyable. The message was mainly about the spirit and how He works and how we can let Him work better with us. It was basically split up into 3 session of teaching from Elder Cardon himself. between President and Sister Weston speaking and before lunch, just after lunch when right after that session some missionaries spoke and Sister Cardon, then after that he spoke again. Each session was a little bit different and focused on a few different things and details. The first was mainly on how the Spirit works and how we can allow Him to work better with us. The second session was great, we went on a long scripture chase in the bible about Peter and how he saw so many things and had so many great spiritual experiences but then denied Christ. Why? Because he didn't have the gift of the Holy Ghost yet is what was presented. He had forgotten, or doubted, the experiences he had. And how after the day of Pentecost he couldn't be restrained. Because he had the Holy Ghost. Then that was related to our investigators. The third session really focused on us not letting ourselves get afraid and really being bold and getting to work. Not being afraid to extend bold commitments and promises for keeping them. That was really beneficial as well.
Aside from that the work is going really well also, We set another baptismal date and picked up a new investigator, both in Hayfork. It's really starting to pick up there. I love when people walk up to us and say they want to be taught. That's the best!
Other than that not much has happened, just a few big things. But I'm not complaining. Things are going great. Life is good!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Email letter - August 20, 2012

Hey one and hey all! It was another slow but good week, again there isn't much to report. But that's the usual. This last week, just yesterday actually, Elder Jackson and I were tracting and this guy opened the door and said "I've been expecting you come on it." now usually this is either be a really good thing or just end up in a bible bash. This time it was neither. It was this crazy guy who has some strange religious beliefs. Basically a combination of Jehovah's Witness and Buddhist religions. He was strange. He talked about how Jesus couldn't have been the only savior because he only suffered for people before him and there needed to be others to suffer each in turn for the people before them. He also said that thought, knowledge and a number of other things are imperfection and limit us from getting into "the Kingdom". Kind of a lune, that's only the beginning though. The devil has quite the hold on that man. Too bad he wouldn't listen. Oh well we can't force them. Just invite.
That's all my adventure for this week, we have our annual half-mission conference this week with Elder Cardon of the Seventy so I'll talk about that next week. That'll be a lot of fun! Anyway, love you guys and I'll talk to you soon.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Email letter - August 13, 2012

It was another good week, we had our baptism in Hayfork that went well. It was a long journey with a surprise expedition to Redding, but that's another story for another day, the thing is he got dunked and life is great!  a picture from just before the baptism is attached.
Aside from that we had a good week in Hayfork, we went to the fair and talked to people, getting a few referrals and by chance running into a less-active that wants to come back and have us teach her grandchildren and get them baptized. What are the odds? Things are going well there, Weaverville is still lagging a bit, with the move last week and a long meeting on one of the other days we weren't able to get too much done. But we're working at it. Hopefully we get it going enough to stay here past this transfer period. I would love to stay longer. Absolutely love it. This has been my favorite area.
Next week we have a meeting with Elder Cardon from the seventy and that'll be good, I'll report on that in a couple of week but for now I got nuthin'. Love you and talk to you guys later!